Bio-Rad - Escherichia coli and Coliform 大腸桿菌/大腸桿菌群
3555426 Modified Tryptic Soy Broth (mTSB) + Novobiocin, ready to use O157專用增殖培養液
▶ 規格: 225 ml x 6 罐 /組
3564426 Modified Tryptic Soy Broth (mTSB) Base, dehydrated O157專用粉末培養基
▶ 規格: 500g/罐
3578024 BGBLB (Brilliant Green Bile Lactose Broth)
▶ 規格: 10mL/管;25管/盒
Bio-Rad - Listeria spp. Medium 李斯特菌
3555794 Fraser 1/2 Broth, ready to use 李斯特菌選擇性增殖液
▶ 規格: 3L/袋;4袋
3555797 Fraser 1/2 Broth, ready to use 李斯特菌選擇性增殖液
▶ 規格: 225 ml x 6 罐 /組
3554569 Fraser Broth, ready to use 李斯特菌選擇性增殖液
▶ 規格: 10mL/管;25管/盒
Bio-Rad - Salmonella Medium 沙門氏菌
3555773 Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya (RVS) Broth Tubes, ready to use / RV增殖液
▶ 規格: 10mL/管;25管/盒
Bio-Rad - Physiologic Sterile Water (0.85%)
3554164 Saline Sterile Water
▶ 規格: 9mL/管;25管/盒
Bio-Rad - Tryptone-Salt Diluent
3555754 Tryptone Salt Diluent
▶ 規格: 9mL/管;25管/盒
3555756 Tryptone Salt Diluent, ready to use
▶ 規格: 90 ml x 6 罐 /組
3564544 Tryptone Salt Diluent, dehydrated
▶ 規格: 500g/罐
Bio-Rad - BHI (Brain-Heart Infusion) Broth
3553664 BHI (Brain-Heart Infusion) Broth
▶ 規格: 10mL/管;25管/盒
Bio-Rad - Buffered Peptone Water
3554179 Buffered Peptone Water Plus(BPW)
▶ 規格: 225 ml x 6 罐 /組
3554179 Buffered Peptone Water Plus(BPW)
▶ 規格: 500g/罐
Bio-Rad - Trypto-Casein-Soy Agar (TSA)
3564554 Trypto-Casein-Soy Agar (TSA), dehydrated
▶ 規格: 500g/罐