Bio-Rad 微生物培養基
Salmonella Medium 沙門氏菌
3563894 Hektoen/Agar
▶ 規格: 20片/包
3563814 Salmonella Shigella/Agar
▶ 規格: 20片/包
Staphylococcus aureu Medium 金黃色葡萄球菌
3563747 MRSASelect™ II Agar Plates
▶ 規格: 20片/包
Vibrio 弧菌
3555933 TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Saccharose)/Agar
▶ 規格: 100 ml x 6 罐 /組
3555914 Vibrio/Broth; Transportation and Enrichment Medium
▶ 規格: 9mL/管;25管/盒
Aerobic Bacteria or Total Viable Organisms 總生菌
3554457 PCA (Plate Count Agar)/Agar
▶ 規格: 200 ml x 6 罐 /組
Escherichia coli and Coliform Medium 大腸桿菌/大腸桿菌群
3554798 VRBL (Violet Red Bile Lactose)/Agar
▶ 規格: 200 ml x 6 罐 /組
3564594 VRBL (Violet Red Bile Lactose)/Agar
▶ 規格: 500g/罐
Yeast and Mold 黴菌/酵母菌
3556559 Sabouraud + Actidione + Chloramphenicol/Agar
▶ 規格: 100 ml x 6 罐 /組
3556594 Sabouraud + Chloramphenicol + Gentamycin/Agar; slanted tubes
▶ 規格: 8mL/管;25管/盒
3563774 Sabouraud + Chloramphenicol + Gentamycin/Agar
▶ 規格: 20片/包
3555489 YGC (Yeast Glucose Chloramphenicol)/Agar
▶ 規格: 100 ml x 6 罐 /組
Other 其他
3563784 Columbia + Sheep Blood Agar
▶ 規格: 20片/包